Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Jordan Pops The BIG ????

It was on Saturday April 30th. I had known Jordan had the ring but I had no idea what was coming at all haha. Jordan kept texting me all day while he was at work asking if I wanted to go on a hike....I HATE HIKING haha! But he kept saying just do it for me, so of course I gave in and I did it. While we were driving up to the mountain in Ogden Jordan was saying things that were totally throwing me off, he was saying yea my mom keeps asking when I am gonna propose but i keep telling her I don't know Utah all that well so I still need to think about it. Well I was sitting in the passenger seat thinking dang it it's not happening today, so i was even more NOT excited to go on a hike! We got to Waterfall Canyon and started our hike, but not 10 minutes later was i begging for us to do it another day!! Jordan just kept saying come one Drielle it's fun!

 We kept hiking and the whole way up I was COMPLAINING!! I kept saying....I want to go back, Lets do this another day, Jordan I'm serious I hate this, and the classic one JORDAN I'm not talking to you for a week now cause your making me do this! Jordan had to hear all this complaining all the way up the mountain and still wanted to ask me to marry him haha.
We got to the top and me being all mad and mean I said okay we saw it lets go now. Jordan said let me ask this girl if she can take a picture of us by the waterfall I said fine and went to go get ready for a picture little did i know.....................JORDAN GOT DOWN ON HIS KNEE!!!!

His exact words were Drielle there is a reason I brought you on this hike today, I know sometimes life is a struggle but just know I will always be there to help you thru it just like this hike...WILL YOU MARRY ME??
And of course I said YES!! (:

And now we are ENGAGED and planning our BIG WEDDING!! <3 YAY!

April 9, 2011

Well Jordan and I made the big decision to move to Utah together and live with my parents. It was definitely one of the biggest decisions we had made at this time anyways. It was Saturday the 9th of April his brother Dustin got married so we had stayed all day for that and left on the road to move at like 10pm that night so we didn't get to Utah til about 7am because it was snowing the WHOLE way! Ugh it sucked, but hey we made it!

This is Jordan and I with his nieces!

This is all the kids in Jordan's family, yes it's all boys! 7 of them!

All the boys again with their new sister in law Heidi!

The First Time Jordan Told Me He Loved Me!!

I remember we had just gotten back from Utah, we were talking about who knows what and how much fun we had in Utah and how much he loved my family and they loved him! I remember we were watching Letters to Juliette. Jordan seemed really nervous but I had no idea why and I didn't get it, i kept asking him what was up and he kept saying I don't know how to say it, but dumb me I still didn't catch on. Jordan than grabbed my hand and was holding it.....he than opened my hand and held it out and spelled I LOVE YOU with his finger on the palm of my hand! It was the cutest thing ever! And from than on out we knew we were IN LOVE!!

Our First Trip To Utah!

We had only been dating about 2 weeks at this time but i just knew it was right for my family to meet Jordan so on the road we went to stay a weekend with the Olsen clan. Jordan fit right in and everybody loved him!! (:

From than on out they did everything together! They spent every waking moment with each other and loved it!

How Jordan and Drielle met.

Drielle is from Brigham City, Utah she moved to Denver Colorado on November 5, 2010. Jordan was from Denver but had been going to school in Nebraska and he has just moved back to Colorado the summer of 2010. They both were in the Arvada singles ward, neither of them were even looking for someone, but hey isn't that how that always happens. When your not looking for someone they come along. Drielle had kept asking her friends if they knew someone in the ward that was very tall cause she thought they were cute they said well this kid is pretty tall add him on facebook, she did but it did not turn out to be the guy she was talking about, it turned out to be Jordan. Jordan had wrote Drielle a message on facebook saying he had seen her in sacrament but didn't come talk to her because he had family in from out of town. They than were both on facebook a couple days later and asked each other what they were doing for the day neither of them had anything planned and decided to go to a movie with two friends and still til this day Jordan will remind Drielle that the first thing he heard out of her mouth was want a cough drop they taste like candy...he always says you think she would of offered me popcorn or something but no it was a cough drop, after the movie they went bowling and had a great time. This happened on a Thursday and it must of been great because come Saturday was there first kiss!! And than Sunday they were OFFICIAL!!! (: